Free Assessment
From choosing the right product to fit your needs to assisting with training, software installation and support, our skilled team members are equipped to successfully guide you through this process. In addition we can connect you to a patient with similar indications who can provide you with their own experience using our products.
We can offer TeleRehabilitation training if necessary or refer you to a local therapist.
Specifically, a member of our team can walk you through:
- Understanding what product is most suitable for you.
- Prices and reimbursement options.
- Explanation of the different programs our software and products offer.
- Flexible payment options to meet your needs.
- Product demonstration and tutorial.
Request a consultation with our experts today to see how MediTouch can help you!

“The MediTouch products allow patients to use the range that they have or the amount of movment they have to control video games and it really is hugely benefitial because it is very motivating, very interesting and can really help in rehabilitation”

“I’ve tried so many things and I thought it was “another equipment”…”

“I think MediTouch is one of the best things I have ever done with Mark because it actually got him moving because he realizes that things are getting better.”

“The games, the challenges’ the movment biofeedback. It is a great tool that can help the therapist achieve much more. The glove works on different deficits simultaneously.”