Senior Rehabilitation and Training System
The Best In Falls prevention and balance training
Unexpected Perturbation System.
The balancetutor’s new technology allows the therapist to createa postural perturbation such as a slip or a trip. Its advanced technology utilizes the platform’s movement in a medial/lateral and forward/backward direction while the patient is standing, walking or running allowing customized postural control practice in the specific gait phase that the therapist chooses to focus on. This allows for a vast range of physical therapy indications. It is the only rehabilitation system that employs an advanced 4D perturbation patented treadmill, multiple force and movement sensors and customized motivational video games.
Traditional physical rehabilitation is based mainly on proactive training (self-initiated actions). Clinical research has shown that in addition to proactive training, reactive training must be targeted. Traditional tools and methods simply can’t target reactive response training due to major safety issues and a lack of sophisticated treatment customization.
The system’s unique technology for the first time allows training reactive postural control response while standing or walking at different gait phases. This is not treated in traditional practice. Together with proactive training the system allows for optimal rehabilitation outcome and recovery
A postural perturbation is a sudden change in conditions that displaces the body posture away from equilibrium.
Reactive postural control response is an automatic “like reflex” response which is initiated by unexpected postural perturbation in order to maintain balance and can be improved through practice for example a compensatory step following a slip or a trip.
Integrate the BalanceTutor system into your facility.

Total Package Solution
- Accelerate rehab, improve outcomes and reduce risk of readmission
- Improve documentation of rehab effectiveness
- Generate referrals from medical professionals and the community
- Increase community awareness and interest
- Make facility tours more effective
- Improve your clinical capabilities, secure a competitive advantage and increase referral

Clinical Applications
- Weight bearing encouragement
- Specific single and group muscle activation
- Multi task locomotor performance
- Spatiotemporal neuromuscular coordination
- Automatic postural adjustment ability
- Improvement of compensatory step
- Force control optimization
- Sensorimotor and vestibular system
- Sensation, muscle strength, joint stabilization and coordination

Unique Features
- Easy and fast set up
- Programing manual/automatic postural perturbation
- Vast range of rehabilitation protocols
- Measurement and recording of center of pressure (COP)
- Motivational and customized rehabilitation video games
- Objective evaluations and documentation of patient’s progress

“The MediTouch products allow patients to use the range that they have or the amount of movment they have to control video games and it really is hugely benefitial because it is very motivating, very interesting and can really help in rehabilitation”

“I’ve tried so many things and I thought it was “another equipment”…”

“I think MediTouch is one of the best things I have ever done with Mark because it actually got him moving because he realizes that things are getting better.”

“The games, the challenges’ the movment biofeedback. It is a great tool that can help the therapist achieve much more. The glove works on different deficits simultaneously.”